
David Beauchemin

Chief Executive Officer, Expert in AI

An actuary by training, David decided to continue his studies at the master's level in computer science to become familiar with machine learning. His master's degree in natural language processing focused on external source extraction in an insurance business process. He is now pursuing his studies at the Ph.D. level, where he is interested in personalizing automatically generated content from insurance contracts.

Through his active participation in several projects in the machine learning community, David is committed to bringing the local Artificial Intelligence scene to the forefront. In particular, he is the creator and developer of Deepparse, a library for multilingual address segmentation using deep learning. He is the cofounder of the knowledge sharing organization Meetup Machine Learning Québec. He also acts as president of .Layer, an NPO he co-founded to promote data science. He has also launched a podcast on artificial intelligence, OpenLayer, and acts as a collaborator for the IA café. Finally, David has presented the natural language processing at the Canadian Institute of Actuaries webinar, the issue of reproducibility in machine learning at the Intelligence and Data Institute public webinars, and many other technical topics in machine learning at over twenty events.

Listen to this podcast to learn more about his journey and the applications of AI!

Schedule an appointment with David 

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